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We’re coming together to create a World Without Exploitation. Watch our video & join our movement.

Eighteen months ago, The Voices and Faces Project embarked on a unique journey, engaging in a series of conversations with our allies at Coalition Against Trafficking in Women, Sanctuary for Families, and National Organization for Women/Women's Justice NOW to set the stage for the launch of World Without Exploitation, the national movement to end human trafficking and sexual exploitation. The World Without Exploitation coalition, which now brings together dozens of leading individuals and organizations from the public, private, non-profit and creative sectors, launched officially in Washington, D.C. last month.

During a moment in our national life when we are engaging in a series of important and often painful conversations about gender justice, income inequality and the right to live in a world where sexual violence and exploitation are not tolerated, the mission of World Without Exploitation is both timely and urgent.

“We know that an injustice that goes unseen is an injustice that goes unchallenged,” notes The Voices and Faces Project Founder Anne K. Ream, a Founding Co-Chair of World Without Exploitation. "So finding creative ways to bring the stories of those who have been trafficked or exploited to the attention of policymakers, opinion shapers and the public is critical.” In service to that goal, The Voices and Faces Project is leading the World Without Exploitation effort to create the nation's first large-scale archive of human trafficking and sexual exploitation survivor testimony.

Meet the survivors
at the heart of our work.
Sign our pledge
and help us create a World Without Exploitation.
The Voices & Faces Project | Panel Discussion
Stories of Survival and Hope: Join us as we lift up “Half the Sky.”
Program coordinator Marline Johnson
Women Hold Up Half the Sky | Photo: Les Stone
Women and girls face sexual violence and exploitation in both global areas of conflict and "safe" communities here at home. In service to changing that - and as part of the "Women Hold Up Half the Sky" exhibition being hosted at the Illinois Holocaust Museum - IHM is hosting a panel discussion on gender injustice, featuring: Anne K. Ream, Founder, The Voices and Faces Project; Polly Poskin, Executive Director, Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault; Angela Martinez, Senior Program Officer, American Jewish World Service.

WHEN: Sunday, December 11 | 2:00pm - 3:30pm
WHERE: Illinois Holocaust Museum, Skokie, IL

Learn more and reserve your spot.

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The Voices & Faces Project | Writing Workshop
“The Stories We Tell” at University of Chicago:  Apply for our January 2017 writing workshop.
Program coordinator Marline Johnson
Workshop host Rachel Monaco-Wilcox during The Voices and Faces Project's "Stories We Tell" writing workshop in Milwaukee, WI. | Elaina Meier
Every survivor story has power and purpose. During "The Stories We Tell," The Voices and Faces Project's two-day writing workshop, survivors will read and discuss testimonial writing, reflect on how to share their own stories, and engage in a series of innovative writing exercises. With a focus on memoir, fiction, non-fiction and poetry, "The Stories We Tell" was created to support those who seek to use writing as a vehicle for personal or political change. Join us at University of Chicago and use your own story to change the world.

JANUARY 14-15, 2017
10am-5pm (Saturday) • 11am-5pm (Sunday)
on campus at the University of Chicago

Applications are required: Email
Application due date: Friday, December 16

Presented by The Voices and Faces Project in partnership with the University of Chicago's Center for the Study of Gender and Sexuality, Resources for Sexual Violence Prevention, and Pozen Family Center for Human Rights. This program is supported by the Ellie Fund of the Jewish Women's Foundation of Metropolitan Chicago.
We can't do it without you:
Support our “Stories We Tell” Scholarship Fund.
Scholarship Fund
Find out more about giving the gift of change by donating to our workshop scholarship fund. Every $500 raised provides a full two-day scholarship for a survivor waiting to take part in our program.
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