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Dear Friend,

At The Voices and Faces Project, we believe that every story has power and purpose. So the artists, activists and gender-related violence survivors at the heart of our work use testimony and storytelling to show the world that those who have been abused are shaped— but not defined — by what they have lived through.

We've brought our survivor story-focused lecture series to 46 states and 3 continents, most recently in partnership with World Chicago and the US State Department… launched "The Stories We Tell," North America's first testimonial writing program for survivors of sexual violence and trafficking, offering full two-day scholarships to over 150 participants…joined with Barnard College and Man Up to create "In Dialogue and Community," a groundbreaking anti-rape initiative…and gave the 2015 Sexual Assault Awareness Month lecture at the Clinton Presidential Center.

The Voices and Faces Project has ambitious plans for the new year, including the expansion of our writing workshop for deaf survivors of abuse, the theatrical adaptation of our critically praised second book, Lived Through This: Listening to the Stories of Sexual Violence, and the launch of an all-new "Stories We Tell" program for incarcerated teen victims of rape and abuse. But we can't meet our goals in the new year without you.

Lived Through This
Make an online donation of $100 or more before 1/15/2015, and receive a signed copy of Lived Through This.

One story at a time, one survivor at a time, we're changing minds, hearts and public policies. Thanks in advance for your support of our work.

All the best,
Anne Signature
Anne K. Ream
Founder & Creative Director
christa sig Christa Desir
Board President
cliff sig Clifton Spargo
"The Stories We Tell"

P.S. Get the buzz about the book: Read Chicago Tribune columnist Heidi Stevens' article about Lived Through This. And donate before 1/15 to receive your signed first edition of the book.
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47 W. Polk St # 170 Chicago, IL 60605  © Copyright Voices and Faces Project 2014