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The Voices and Faces Project in Atenco, Mexico | Photography by Patricia Evans
Every story has power and purpose. So the artists, activists and gender-based violence survivors at The Voices and Faces Project, are using testimony to change the way that the world responds to violence and abuse. We're not speaking out because it's healing. We're speaking out because silence is the enemy of change.

In 2015, The Voices and Faces Project created more change than ever before.

» We graduated our 200th writer from "The Stories We Tell," North America's first testimonial writing program for survivors of gender-based violence, reaching new audiences through partnerships with the Illinois Holocaust Museum, Northwestern University, and Chicago's Juvenile Justice system.

» We made over 400 million audience impressions with "The Ugly Truth," our award-winning anti-trafficking campaign, which was recognized by the European Union as one of the world's most effective, media-driven efforts in the fight to end exploitation.

» We partnered with NoVo Foundation to pilot "Marketing the Movement," a US-based workshop series for those seeking to use communications and survivor storytelling to change public attitudes about trafficking and prostitution.

» We traveled to Istanbul, Turkey, where organizational partner Anne K. Ream gave a keynote address at the 2015 Soroptimist International Global Conference, reaching 1600 members of UN NGOs with a presentation grounded in the survivor testimonies collected by and housed at The Voices and Faces Project.

» We saw our critically praised literary project, Lived Through This: Listening to the Stories of Sexual Violence Survivors, go to its third printing and then to paperback, after the book was selected by the American Association of University Presses as a 2015 recommended read.

What's next? In the new year we'll be expanding "The Stories We Tell" to reach incarcerated survivors of gender-based violence…partnering with Art Works for Change on the global True Stories Project…returning to the Clinton Presidential Center to give two new public lectures on gender justice and media…and collaborating with the Women's Media Group on a theatrical adaptation of Lived Through This.

We have ambitious goals for the New Year. But we won't be able to meet them without you.

Lived Through This

Make an online donation of $150 or more before 1/15/2016, and receive a copy of Lived Through This.
Thanks, in advance, for your support.

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