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Is the child migrant crisis a rape and trafficking crisis?

The situation at the US/Mexico border – where more than 1,000 refugee children are arriving every week – has been called many things. A humanitarian crisis. The direct result of the illegal drug trade. A symptom of our broken immigration system. In this week's edition of The New Republic, Anne K. Ream, founder of The Voices and Faces Project and Mónica Ramírez, an expert on sexual violence committed against farmworker and immigrant women, argue that there is another cause of this crisis: gender-related violence and trafficking in Latin America.

As Anne noted, "We went into the writing of this piece believing that rape and sexual exploitation were major drivers of immigration to the US from Latin America. But the stories of survivors, and reports from aid workers in the field, made this crisis feel even more urgent for us."

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Katie Feifer

Do we live in a rape culture? Does it matter?
What can AMC’s hit show Mad Men, University of Chicago legal theorist Richard Posner, and rap music phenom Sister Fa teach us about ending rape culture? Check out this freewheeling discussion between Salon contributor Kate Harding, New City publisher Brian Hieggelke and Voices and Faces Project founder Anne Ream to find out.
Read "What Rape Culture" in New City.

Story We Tell Applications Due June 10th

"The Stories We Tell," our testimonial writing workshop, is coming to Milwaukee October 18-19.
Every sexual violence survivor story has power and purpose. With that belief as our guide, The Voices and Faces Project created "The Stories We Tell," a two-day testimonial writing program for survivors of sexual violence, domestic violence and trafficking. During "The Stories We Tell," workshop participants read and discuss history's most compelling and world-changing testimonial writing, while taking part in a series of innovative real-time writing exercises. Created by award-winning novelist and Iowa Writers Workshop Fellow R. Clifton Spargo, in partnership with our Voices and Faces Project Creative Initiatives Team, “The Stories We Tell” prepares participants to write and speak about the injustices they have lived or witnessed. Join us to create personal and political change with your story.

Applications for the Milwaukee workshop are being accepted now.
For workshop application/details, email

We can't do it without you:
Support our "Stories We Tell" Scholarship Fund.
Find out more about giving the gift of change by donating to our workshop scholarship fund. Every $500 raised provides a full two-day scholarship for a survivor waiting to take part in our program. Email for details or donate securely online.
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