World Without Exploitation was co-founded in 2016 by Coalition Against Trafficking in Women, Demand Abolition, National Organization for Women/NYS, Sanctuary for Families, and The Voices and Faces Project.
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Imagine a World Without Exploitation: Be a part of our crowdsourced poetry project. |
Share a poem that envisions a world where no one is bought, sold or exploited and your words may be featured in a spoken word performance that will debut at Equal Not Exploited, the World Without Exploitation 2020 Youth Summit. Curated and authored by writers Marline Johnson, Nikki Patin and Anne K. Ream — and co-presented by Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation, Surviving the Mic, and The Stories We Tell Program at The Voices and Faces Project — "Imagine a World Without Exploitation" is a crowdsourced poetry project that asks us to envision a more just, peaceful and exploitation-free world.
“Our Stories Are Our Power,” The Voices and Faces Project's strategic storytelling advocacy training, is going digital.
Be a part of our all new, all virtual program. |
"Our Stories Are Our Power" is a half-day advocacy training that asks participants to think in new ways about how to use their personal stories to create political change… explores "the ethics of story sharing" in our digitally connected era… and looks at how language and word choices can open people up (or shut them down) in these politically polarized times. Engaging, interactive, and dialogue-driven, "Our Stories Are Our Power" has traveled across the North American and African continents. Most recently we brought this program to the University of Southern California School of Social Work (January, 2020) and the Obama Foundation Fellows Program at University of Chicago (March, 2020). Today, we're debuting a new, digital iteration of this popular training so that the work can continue in this socially-distanced era. To find out more about bringing "Our Stories Are Our Power" to your community, email katie@voicesandfaces.org.
Our stories are our power.
At The Voices and Faces Project we’re using them to create change. |
The Voices and Faces Project is an award-winning non-profit storytelling initiative created to bring the names, faces, and testimonies of survivors of gender-based violence to the attention of the public. Through our educational and advocacy trainings, survivor story archive and signature program, The Stories We Tell — an immersive, two-day testimonial writing workshop for those who have lived through or witnessed gender-based violence or other human rights violations — we seek to change minds, hearts, and public policies through the power of personal testimony. The Voices and Faces Project has been named one of America's Best Charities by the board of Independent Charities of America, and is a registered 501c3 organization.