February 2017: Is the America we have the America we want?
April 2017: Powerful, purposeful, and theatrical: Join The Voices and Faces Project and Stories On Stage at Words = Change.
May 2017: Art, storytelling, and social change: The Voices and Faces Project’s writing workshop in New York City.
June 2017: Storytelling with words and images: Our writing workshop at Aperture Gallery in NYC.
July 2017: Using communications and storytelling to create a better world: The Voices and Faces Project’s “Marketing a Movement” program.
August 2017: Private sector, public good: Our “Ugly Truth” campaign is creating change, one city at a time.
October 2017: Join us at a CAASE event honoring Anne K. Ream and Brenda Myers-Powell.
December 2017: Creating change through the power of survivor stories is what The Voices and Faces Project is all about. And in 2017, eleven years after our non-profit was founded, we’re creating more change than ever before:
Decemer 2017: We’re using our stories to create change.We can’t do it without you. Donate today.
March 2016: Join The Voices and Faces Project at the Clinton Presidential Center as we debut an all-new lecture: New Rules for Radicals. How storytellers, opinion shapers and subversives are changing the movement to end gender-based violence.
May 2016: The Voices and Faces Project debuts “New Rules for Radicals” at the Clinton Presidential Center. In March, The Voices and Faces Project was invited to the Clinton Presidential Center to speak about our work and our storytelling vision.
July 2016: Participate in The Voices and Faces Project’s “The Stories We Tell” testimonial writing workshop. By using our stories in service to not only personal but also political transformation, we become more effective change agents.
August 2016: “Translating” what we know about human trafficking and sexual exploitation into a series of messages that move the general public is what our newest educational workshop, “Marketing a Movement,” is all about.
September 2016: #TheStoriesWeTell, partnering with the Jewish Women’s Foundation on our writing workshop, & more.
October 2016: Discover LEAP, our magazine for girls who are loud, empowered, accepted and proud.
November 2016: We’re coming together to create a World Without Exploitation. Watch our video & join our movement.
December 2016: We’re using our stories to create change.We can’t do it without you.Donate today.
January 2015: At The Voices and Faces Project we believe that a story can change everything. Opening hearts. Altering minds. Challenging us to do more to alleviate the suffering caused by gender-related violence in the US, and beyond our borders.
February 2015: “The Voices and Faces Project’s writing workshop helped me transform the pain of sexual violence into a fuel that can change the world.”
March 2015: It’s not marketing, it’s a movement: Our anti-trafficking campaign reaches the European Union, and beyond.
April 2015: Media representations have the power to change the way we see the world — and ourselves.
May 2015: Right-this-moment designer Stacey Bendet, the creator of the award-winning Alice and Olivia fashion line, is so inspired by The Voices and Faces Project‘s work on behalf of women that her store is hosting a shopping night for us and we want you to be there.
June 2015: Our Jewish Women’s Foundation-supported writing workshop series. The Stories We Tell, partnering with the Jewish Women’s Foundation on our writing workshop.
July 2015: Naccache & Ream for Thomson Reuters. When it comes to violence against women and girls, is America keeping its promise to the world – and to itself?
August 2015: Lived Through This Discussion Guide. We’re excited to share the Discussion Guide with you and hope it encourages insightful and thought-provoking discussion.
September 2015: Our Fall Writing Workshop Schedule. “We tell ourselves stories so we know how to live,” Joan Didion famously wrote.
October 2015: How the stories of survivors are changing the movement to end gender-based violence. Tikkun Olam, which literally translated means “heal the world,” has come to connote social action and the pursuit of social justice.
November 2015: Reaching formerly incarcerated girls with our newest writing program. No story left untold, no girl left behind: Our newest Voices and Faces Project writing program.
December 2015: In 2015, The Voices and Faces Project created more change than ever before. Every story has power and purpose.
March 2014: “The Voices and Faces Project’s writing workshop reconnected me to myself through writing, in a process with others which I never experienced before. Through the sharing, I became more whole than I thought possible.”
April 2014: Nine years ago, writer and Voices and Faces Project founder Anne K. Ream and documentary photographer Patricia Evans embarked on a unique journey.
May 2014: The Stories We Tell can change the world: Join us for our June writing workshop in NYC.
May 2014: On any given day, over 16,000 women and girls are prostituted or trafficked in the greater Chicago area.
June 2014: A Story Changes Everything: A Printers Row Lit Festival discussion about testimonial writing and the fight to end gender-related violence.
July 2014: Is the child migrant crisis a rape and trafficking crisis?
October 2014: At The Voices and Faces Project we love a good conversation and a great celebration.
December 2014: The Voices and Faces Project has ambitious plans for 2015. We’ll be expanding our writing workshop to reach deaf survivors of gender-related abuse…
January 2013: Our year. Your gift. Make a donation by 1/31 and get a FREE Voices and Faces Project benefit CD.
February 2013: How far would you go to tell a story?
March 2013: Six powerful Voices and Faces Project stories. One key goal met: the Violence Against Women Act has passed.
April 2013: The truth about prostitution and sex trafficking? There’s nothing victimless about it.
April 2013: There’s been a lot of talk about rap music in the wake of the rape-glorifying single recently released by Rick Ross, one of the genre’s most successful musicians.
May 2013: We’re making an impression with our anti-trafficking campaign. Over 200 million of them, actually.
May 2013: One of the most exciting aspects of The Voices and Faces Project is that it brings together a truly diverse group of women and men engaged in the fight to end sexual violence and trafficking.
June 2013: Who says a man can’t make a difference in the movement to end violence against women?
August 2013: Here’s one thing that our team at The Voices and Faces Project knows for sure: movement leads to friction.
October 2013: The story behind the story: Our testimonial writing workshop and its first book, Fault Line.
December 2013: When we founded The Voices and Faces Project, in 2006, we did so with a simple but ambitious goal: to put names and faces on an issue that too often leaves its victims silent and invisible.
December 2013: “Testimony is power, and speaking out can change a sexual violence survivor’s life. That’s why I’m so passionate about our Voices and Faces Project work.”
March 2012: Our testimonial writing workshop and its first book.
April 2012: Part benefit album, part musical Prozac: experience The Angel Band Project.
May 2012: The Importance Of Bearing Witness: What are the risks, and rewards, of sharing our stories?
July 2012: Creating Change: Our Newest Voices and Faces Project workshop debuts at Northwestern University.
August 2012: We’re not speaking out because it is healing. We’re speaking out because it is necessary.
October 2012: The Voices and Faces Project’s testimonial writing workshop for survivors of sexual violence, domestic violence and trafficking
October 2012: A note from Christa Desir, Charlotte Pierce-Baker and Anne K. Ream
November 2012: A benefit for the Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation and The Voices and Faces Project
January 2011: Violence against women is a global human rights issue. How do we get off the beaten path?
February 2011:Explore the moving and sometimes surprising ways that women who have lived through violence rebuild their lives.
February 2011: The Stories We Tell: our Testimonial Writing Workshop for survivors.
March 2011: On April 11th Michelin Bib Gourmand restaurant Gilt Bar is hosting a benefit dinner for The Voices and Faces Project.
April 2011: We’re speaking out about sexual violence against immigrant and farmworker women. Please join us.
June 2011: Visionary Voices: The Voices & Faces Project at the Clinton Presidential Center.
August 2011: “The Stories We Tell” debuts at the Chicago Cultural Center.
August 2011: A benefit concert created to raise awareness of Sexual Violence & Trafficking
September 2011: New Zealand indie rock phenom Miriam Clancy will headline Vocal Impact.
November 2011: A benefit for the Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation and The Voices and Faces Project
November 2011: Standing up For Women in the United States, the Middle East, and beyond.
September 2010: Can the stories of women challenge and change the world?
October 2010: “Sharing my story with The Voices and Faces Project changed my life.”
December 2010: Making art in the wake of violence: introducing The Angel Band Project
© 2025 The Voices and Faces Project. Photography: © Patricia Evans. Additional Photography: Lynn Savarese, Natalie Naccache, Javier Otero.